About Us

Our School is a community and everyone is a unique member— the founder, teachers, parents, and our beautiful students — each member contributing his/her individual uniqueness.

Our Learning Culture

Zytoon Kids are free to learn and grow at their own pace. Our diligent implementation of the montessori philosophy complemented the Islamic principles that ensure that each learner grows holistically, develops valuable skills and attains moral independence needed to perform excellently in their various pursuits. As the children learn and develop their personal skills, they grow both as individuals and as a community.

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Our Curriculum

curricullumNigerian Curriculum
curricullumMontessori Curriculum
curricullumCambridge Curriculum
curricullumIslamic IEF Curriculum
Vision Mission

Our Mission

To breed innovative young minds through a dynamic Montessori and Cambridge curriculum in an islamic learning environment

Our Vision

We aspire to raise innovative young minds for a better tomorrow who exhibit Islamic values in a multi-cultural society.

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Our Core Values

At Zytoon, we are committed to the following values, represented by an acronym; F.I.R.M



We inculcate faith and moral values into our children in accordance with the noble Quran, Sunnah and Usul of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


Integral Education

A broad and balanced Quality Montessori education in academics, character & religious knowledge is integrated into our learning system.



We develop in our kids; a sense of appreciation and respect for culture and other religions that are not in tandem with their world-view.



Our kids are well nurtured with good manners and morals that ‘disinfect’ them against the plagues of corruption pervading the society today.